Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Selasa, 12 Oktober 2010


Lebih kurang 24jam bersama die.. every socond tu mcm meningfull bg aku..9 OCT mmg agak lambat aku tiba di terminal..sejam die menunggu langsung xmerungut.. keluar dr pint u bas die menyambut aku dgn senyuman plg manes bg aku..hihihi..then agenda kami :

* 9 oct..

ü Makan di terminal Tom Yam.

ü Singgah 7e.

ü Back to office.

ü Watching movie.

* 10 oct..

ü Breakfast 9.00 am McD breakfast.

ü Back to office watching spongebob.

ü Borak2 sambil tgk tV

ü Keluar makan chicken rice dgn ashraf

ü Ke rumah ashraf

ü Back to office ambil barang

ü Lepak di secret recipe (eat a lots)

ü Ambil kawan ashraf

ü Lepak sama2 beramai2 dekat padang.

ü Sent me to terminal & I went back to UITM.

Very2 enjoy dengan pertemuan kali ni..he bought me firming set, yusmira, treat me dinner, bought me a cardigan ( baju nipis mcm sweater). Then I temankan die beli selipar. He always hold my hand, my back & say “ sayang dya”.. then ms I nak naik bas kt terminal dgn spontan he kiss my head.. so sweet.. terkejut mcm hape dah I terkedu xterkate2 mcm xnk balik.. then I salam dgn die.. die tunggu till bas tu ilang dr pandangan.. the only word I can say is “ I love him so much”..