“The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all.”
Menu What The Rock Is Cooking
Sabtu, 14 November 2009
eroy...aku syg kamooo..

tunggu eroy bls ym.pukul 6..31 petang..14 november..bilik bacaan redang 1..huhu..

ntah la..mencabar betul ari nie..huhu sib bek dpt kejut eroy..ntah brape puluh misscoll ntah..akhirnyer dpt..huhu..eroy nakal..cm sin chan..hehehe..comel..aku syg eroy..aku agak stress ari nie..tp ble pk kan eroy aku xstress lg..huh..tq syg 4 that songs..dh msuk lam hp dh..hehehe..
nie lbh kurang fav food aku kt uitm la..

megi..hah...muke pun cm megi..nie ciri2 pompuan mls..asyik mkn megi jer..ahahaha..=p
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