Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Ahad, 27 Disember 2009

RuLeS oF RoCk!!

*You only live one life,.

*So make this one as crazy as you can,

*LOVE as much as possible…

*SCREAM! Laugh! & Cry! As much as you want.

*Party like a ROCKSTAR…

*Act as if you’re FAMOUS.

*& just live you life to the fullest..

*Because you don’t know when it will end.

hari nie

Wakaka..hurm kla..tuk ari nie aku nk ckp 1 je..aku ase sume laki same je..and aku dh tangkap 2,3 ekor kaki tpu..wakaka..dasar playboy..korunk tpu pompuan bodoh blh la..bkn aku keyh…wakaka..k la..salam..